News and Events
New Classes for 2024
December 18th, 2023
What a year 2023 has been! Here are some new and exciting classes for 2024:
I Can Play the Violin! - A class for 3.5-4.5 year olds. Small groups (3-4 students each), 16 week session, parent participation, no experience necessary! For new students only. $110/month for 4 months, Tues/Thurs 10-10:40am
Parent Education Support Training - For parents of current students. This is a weekly drop-in zoom call where we can meet together for a semi-structured discussion on all things practice:
• How to help when they don’t ‘need’ any help
• How to motivate and inspire practice
• Finally getting them to F O C U S
• Balancing practice so everything gets done that needs doing
• Managing expectations for your child (and yourself)
This class model is designed to help you how you need and when you need it. It applies to other aspects of parenting, sibling's extracurriculars, maybe even to you personally. 8pm Thursdays. And it is only $45/month!
Music Theory for beginners- A music theory class designed for kids! Ear training, total immersion in pitch, rhythm, notation, and musical expression. Thursday afternoons from 4:30-5:30, 12 week classes, starts in January.